11 Jan 2008


Gary sent me this, and with the power of the internet, I can only imagine if you tell other people about this, then it could save somebody's life.

A neurologist said that if he can get to a stroke victim within three hours - he can reverse the effects of a stroke - totally.

Here's the 3 steps, "S" "T" "R" and are easy to remember:

1) S* ask the person to smile
2) T* ask the person to talk
3) R* ask the person to raise both arms

If there is any problem in doing any of the three things above, call 000 and get that person into the Hospital.

9 Jan 2008

New Model Business Cards

I have now compleated my new cards for
Model / Glamour branch of my business
Let me know what you think of them.

Cool Shot

Good Morning I thought I would add this cool Picture of Miller
That I recently took. Could not decide if he looks like a
Lizard or a frog.