26 May 2011


A lot of photographers think that if they buy a better camera they'll be able to take better photographs. A better camera won't do a thing for you if you don't have anything in your head or in your heart. ~ Arnold Newman ~


I've been imitated so well I've heard people copy my mistakes!
~ Jimi Hendrix ~

21 Apr 2011


What a crazy last couple of days
The Victorian Professional Photographer of the Year Awards
have been run and won, ending with a fantastic dinner last night.
There were 112 photographers who entered 645 prints which were judged over three days by our peers.

My Total Tally for the event was 2 Silver Distinctions and 8 Silver Awards

From this i won the exclusive title of

Winner ......Victorian illustrative Photographer of the Year

and also

Runner Up ......Victorian Landscape Photographer of the Year

I am still on cloud 9 and will be celebrating for weeks
Thank you to everyone that helped me on this journey xox :)

3 Nov 2010


Taya is a beautiful dancer and here are a few of my favourite images of her.

14 Oct 2010

Casey & Matt

Had the pleasure of photographing Casey and Matt on their second Anniversary
They are such a great couple and a pleasure to photograph

30 Sept 2010


Hi guys, I had the pleasure of photographing a beautiful angel
She is full of life and definitely going places.
As well as an interest in Modelling she plays Base Guitar in a band
Here are a couple of her images

Photography Brian Randall
Hair and Makeup Sue Frey
Model Angel

Iris Photography Awards

Hi Guys just thought I would let you know what I have been up to lately.
I entered the New Zealand Photography Awards and out of the 4 prints I entered I received two Awards.
I know how tough the competition is over there so I’m wrapped.

20 July 2010

Quote for the Day

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” — Maya Angelou

15 July 2010


‎"Technology cannot find good light, good composition, and help a nervous couple get to a place where they can relax, be intimate, and create compelling photos.
Technology will never be photography. ever." ~ Ken Kienow